You would think that we beat him. These pictures look like it, don't they? WRONG! He went outside to play and came back with little red marks on the corner of BOTH his eyes and when he woke up this morning they were SWOLLEN!! like you would never believe! Then I saw that he has 2 more mosquito bites on his cheek! So...he's a mosquito attractor like a bug zapper without the ZAP! He goes outside and attracks ALLL the mosquito's. One time he had bites all over his legs AND his arms! It's insane. What's even more insane is that both him AND Brooke have the same blood type but the bugs don't touch her! Strange...
Poor kid! I feel so bad for him...I would put some itch cream on it, but I'm afraid he would rub it into his eyes and that's something that I don't want!
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