Friday, February 4, 2011

You have a birthday, shout HORRAY!

I can't even imagine Gabriel being this little!

There is a special bond between you and your first born that is untouchable. Maybe it's just me, but that first borns cry is by far the sweetest! I remember when he came out, he gave this helpless cry that to this day still brings tears to my eyes. Even Matt (who NEVER cries) cried like a baby when he heard Gabriel let out his helpless cry.
Gabriel is my sweet, emotional guy. He will be the first to come to me when I'm crying and console me (even before my husband some times). He wants me to be happy.
Oh, how I love this kid!

Stats at birth: 6lbs 8oz 19 1/2 in.
Stats at 6 years old: 49lbs 47 in.

Happy Birthday Gabriel! We love you!

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