Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wonderful life!

So it has been a week and 2 days since Tristan has entered into our lives and life is just amazing! We don't have any problems with Gabriel and Brooke being jealous, they love him so much. Gabriel is such a big helper, he kisses Tristan when he cries and tries to comfort him. Brooke tries to put the pacifier in his mouth when he cries...it's so cute to see :)

The sleeping thing has been going great!!! He only wakes up once during the night :) We are putting him on a schedule so he is awake an hour or so before his last feeding, then he sleeps through most of the night. This makes mommy a VERY happy camper!
His jondice is going down, which is a good thing! I'm tired of bringing him to the hospital to get poked in the heel and have them squeeze blood from his heel and watch him scream from agony! I had to deal with it with my other 2 too....it's complete torture to see your new born cry so helplessly! We have been putting Tristan in the sun for about an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening so this whole thing will just melt away. He's peeing and pooping like a pro! Gabriel and Brooke had trouble because they had pretty bad jonduice.
Breastfeeding is going SOOO wonderfully! I can actually breastfeed without supplementing! It's a wonderful feeling.

Tristan is already getting bigger and he needs to STOP growing, I love the new born stage! It's funny....while I was going through labor, through all that horrible pain I was thinking how much I never wanted to be pregnant again....but after that feeling wore off...I would totally do it over again just for my precious baby :)

Life is wonderful right about now. I have an eternal family who I would do anything for. Life is good.

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