Sunday, April 20, 2008

17 weeks

Well, I am 17 weeks as of yesterday. I'm so excited about getting bigger (well, the baby getting bigger rather then me as a whole getting bigger). I'm feeling the baby more and more everyday. Some days I don't notice any movement, and somedays I notice a lot! I'm calling this baby Alyssa, because I have a gut feeling I'm having another girl. I also thought that about Gabriel, but...we shall find out.

Things here have been crazy! We are moving to another house to get out of this situation. The lady that owns this house is one corrupt person! She called us telling us that we needed to pay for everything that is damaged, stuff that we didn't damage, so we basically told her no, then a few days later she kept sending us rude voice mail messages, Matthew sent her a text and told her to stop sending rude messages and that we are moving tomorrow, we will leave the keys to the house on the kitchen counter. Then he changed our cell so she cant contact us at all. She was being way to controlling, and there's one person in this world who won't be controled, is Matthew, so he's making it so the ball is in our court.
Our new landlord is a lot better! He actually knows Matthew's dad, they served in the Army here in Lawton together, so we feel a lot safer with this guy.

Well, I have a Dr's appt the 26th of this month, then from there I'll make an appt to get an ultrasound :) I'm just so excited about seeing this baby! Then again, I'm so scared because I know exactly what's going to happen July 22nd (give or take a few days). I'm feeling like I'm stuck, there's no way out....I'm not looking forward to long hours of labor or pushing, and I DO NOT want a c-section! Those fears are consuming me a lot lately, but I know in the long run I'll be wicked happy cause I'll have my new baby to hold and kiss :)

Well, until next week :)

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