Tuesday, April 22, 2008

21 weeks

Ok...so 19 more weeks to go! I'm wicked excited, yet nervous at the same time.

Today I had my pap, and the Doc talked to me about my ultrasound....everything is grand, except that I gained 6 lbs in the last 2 weeks!!!!!! YIKES!!! I REALLY need to cut back on the salty stuff. I have been eating fresh fruits and veggies these past few weeks since the weather has been so beautiful out (I mean, I eat fresh fruits and veggies all the time, but more so lately). So....maybe more walks and longer walks when I take the dog for a walk.

Elijah is soooo active, especially at night right before I settle down to sleep. He also loves being on my right side. Today the doc checked the baby's heartbeat and couldn't find it on the left side so I told him to check on the right cause he loves being there...and there he was, as loud as could be.
Matthew loves feeling Elijah move...makes it more real for him.

Still having lower pains cause he's so low and kicks me down there...and I have to pee like every hour.
Other then that, things are going great. :) Couldn't be better!
Can't write too long cause I need to fix dinner, but wanted to get on real quick before I forgot :)

Until next week....have a great week :)

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