Tuesday, April 22, 2008

20 weeks

Well, I'm half way there :)

I can't believe this pregnancy has gone by so fast.
I'm feeing Elijah more and more and love it so much! Saturday, Matthew felt his son for the first time. Usually, when I feel the baby kick I put Matthew's hand on my stomach and the baby stops kicking, but with Elijah, it was the first time I put his hand on my stomach and he kicked...it made Matthew very happy.

I'm now starting to get pains of him pressing on different parts of the uterus, so I have to shake him or gently move him, then I feel a lot better. He's definitely awake at night. I get up to go to the bathroom, and when I get back in bed he thinks it's time to play....so it takes me a while to get back to sleep. I'm not sure how I'm going to like him out of the womb with this schedule, haha!!

I'm still craving salty, sour, hot, bitter stuff. I made hot wings a few nights ago for some friend who was supposed to come over, it never happend, so I ate them all by myself (I paced myself, and saved some for a later meal, dont worry). I'm actually craving hot wings right now as I'm writing this.....mmmmmm.

Anyway, things are going great! I feel really connected to this baby. Not that I didn't feel connected with my other 2, but I feel even more connected, and I just can't wait to deliver this baby :)
I went to Wal-Mart the day we found out we were having a boy and got him this adorable outfit. Boys are so much harder to find clothes for then girls, you have to be more creative with boys.
Anyway....until next week. :)

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